We showed you how to attract birds to your garden for the summer, but now we want to share with you how to care for your winter birds. When winter is here and the days grow short it seems like many things are dead and everything seems so lifeless. I found that adding just the right equipment to your landscaping will attract winter friend into your yard. Watching these winter friends interact with each other will give you great pleasure. I have young children in my home and one summer we decided to make our yard more attractive for winter birds. These winter birds came into our lives and made our winter months something great. If you would want to persuade the winter birds to make their homes near you and your family then you will need to take a good look at your landscaping and see what you have and what you will need to encourage the feathered friend to fly your way during the winter. A few types of trees that winter birds find attractive are evergreens such as fir, pine and holly...